Futureproof Your Startup for EU Cybersecurity Requirements

Summary In this Maven course, I provide startup founders and teams with practical guidance on navigating the complex landscape of EU cybersecurity regulations, including NIS2, DORA, GDPR, CRA, and the EU AI Act. Details Startups already have a ton of things to care about. Cybersecurity is often neglected not by intention but due to a lack of knowledge of what should be done. With regulations like NIS 2, DORA, GDPR, CRA, EU AI Act, and others, the environment is becoming more complex, and “prioritizing what is important” becomes more relevant.

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Past Event: BDA - Kā neiekļūt NIS 2 un DORA slazdos (Latvian only)

Summary Latvian: Recording about NIS 2 and DORA implications for organizations Details BDA organizētā vebināra “Kā neiekļūt NIS2 un DORA slazdos?” ietvaros mūsu pasniedzējs, uzņēmējs, eksperts digitālās drošības, informācijas drošības, mākslīgā intelekta, programmatūras izstrādes jomās Juris Pūce dalījās vērtīgā informācijā par to, kas jāzina par jaunajām Eiropas Savienības kiberdrošības prasībām – NIS2 direktīvu un DORA regulu, – kā arī, kā tās ieviest savā organizācijā. Highlights included: NIS 2 and DORA - what they are How to evaluate yourself Does it apply to me?

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